How does exercise impact mental health?


Exercise has multiple effects on mental health, as discussed in various episodes of the . Some key points mentioned by include:

  • Exercise can increase blood flow to the brain and positively impact brain function 1.
  • Resistance training releases hormones from bones, like osteocalcin, which support the health of existing neurons 1.
  • The improvement in blood flow and cardiovascular fitness from exercise is suspected to indirectly enhance neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, a key area for memory 2.
  • Acute effects of exercise include enhanced mood, improved prefrontal function, increased reaction time, and sustained attention, with benefits that can last up to 2 hours post-exercise 3.

    Exercise and Brain Health

    Andrew discusses the benefits of exercise for brain health, including increased blood flow and the release of hormones that support existing neurons. While exercise may not necessarily increase the number of neurons, it has been shown to have numerous positive effects on brain function and overall health.
    Huberman Lab
    Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28
  • Regular exercise, particularly aerobic, causes the release of neurochemicals like dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), which promotes the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus and can help delay the onset of dementia 4.
  • The power of mindset can influence the physiological outcomes of exercise, suggesting that believing in the benefits of exercise can lead to actual health improvements 5.

Overall, exercise contributes substantially to both brain health and mental health by promoting brain function, enhancing cognitive abilities, and fostering emotional well-being.

Thank you for your feedback!

How to improve eyesight?


To improve eyesight, has provided several suggestions that you can incorporate into your daily routine:

  1. Practice with a Snellen Chart: This is the chart with letters of decreasing size that can be found at a doctor's office. Practicing reading the letters from a distance at home can help you monitor and potentially improve your vision, although time of day and fatigue can affect performance 1.

  2. Nutrition: Eating naturally occurring foods rich in Vitamin A, such as dark leafy vegetables and carrots, can support good vision. There's no evidence that super physiological amounts will improve vision further, but a threshold level is necessary 2.

  3. Outdoor Time: Spend at least 10 minutes a day viewing things at a distance, ideally more than half a mile away. This practice is relaxing and beneficial for the eyesight, maintaining the lens's elasticity and the eye muscle strength 3.

    Improving Vision

    Andrew discusses the importance of preserving eyesight and ways to improve vision, including using a Snellen chart at home to practice reading letters and getting your vision tested by a professional. He emphasizes the impact good vision has on quality of life and encourages incorporating visual training into daily routines.
    Huberman Lab
    The Science of Vision, Eye Health & Seeing Better | Huberman Lab Podcast #24
  4. Smooth Pursuit Exercise: Track moving objects in your environment or do exercises that require following a moving target. This can improve the vision by keeping the extraocular muscles conditioned and strong 4.

  5. Self-generated Optic Flow: Engaging in physical activities like walking or biking where the surroundings move by you (optic flow) is healthful for the visual system and your mood 5.

  6. Sunlight Exposure: Regular outdoor time without sunglasses, especially for children, can help prevent myopia (nearsightedness). Sunlight has important roles in various aspects of health, including vision 6.

Always consult a healthcare professional before implementing any changes, particularly if you have an eye condition. For professional assessment of vision and eye health, seek an optometrist or ophthalmologist.




To improve eyesight, the has covered a range of factors that can contribute to maintaining and enhancing eye health:

  1. Nutrition and Supplements: Vitamins and supplements can play a role in eye health. Specific nutrients like Vitamin C, E, zinc, copper, and beta-carotene were tested in the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS), showing that these antioxidants may slow progression of macular degeneration in certain stages 1.

  2. Natural Refocus Exercises: Spending time looking at things at a distance can help maintain the elasticity of the eye's lens and eye muscle strength. These natural exercises can benefit vision by working the extraocular muscles 2.

  3. Visual Stimulation: The brain's vision-related plasticity can be influenced by practicing various visual exercises. For instance, activities that require tracking of moving objects can engage and train the eyes in ways that may contribute to vision improvement 2.

  4. Regular Breaks from Close-Up Focus: Modern lifestyles often lead to a focus on nearby objects, like screens, which can contribute to nearsightedness (myopia). Balancing this with awareness and looking into the distance can be beneficial 2.

  5. Understanding Vision and Alertness: Awareness of how our inner state influences and is influenced by our vision can be important. For instance, being stressed or excited can lead to narrow vision, while being relaxed can lead to broader, panoramic vision 3.

    Eye Health Insights

    Explore the role of nutrition and supplementation in maintaining and improving eye health. Discover the findings from rigorous studies on macular degeneration and the impact of specific supplements on its progression.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg: How to Improve Your Eye Health & Offset Vision Loss | Huberman Lab Podcast

It's important to personalize any vision improvement plan based on individual needs and circumstances, and if necessary, consult with an eye care professional to get tailored advice. Remember, maintaining eye health is a multifactorial endeavor that includes overall health, habits, and sometimes specific exercises to challenge and support the visual system.


Can you tell me more about how to maintain or improve eye health?


To maintain or improve eye health, the provides a variety of insights and recommendations:

  • Sunlight: It's beneficial for preventing myopia and reversing nearsightedness, but caution is advised due to risks like cataract development 1.
  • Nutrition and Supplements: These can be major factors in eye health. The Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS) showed benefits in consuming antioxidants and nutrients like Vitamin C, E, zinc, copper, and beta-carotene to slow the progression of macular degeneration in certain stages 2.
  • Exercise and Eye Health: Self-generated optic flow from activities like walking or biking is beneficial for the visual system and mood 3.

    Enhancing Vision

    Discover the benefits and drawbacks of corrective lenses, the impact of sunlight on vision, and various tools and procedures for maintaining and improving eye health. Dr. Jeffrey shares his expertise on topics such as eye exercises, LASIK surgery, contact lens care, and nutritional approaches for optimal vision. Whether you have perfect vision or suffer from eye diseases, this episode provides valuable insights to enhance your eye and vision health.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg: How to Improve Your Eye Health & Offset Vision Loss | Huberman Lab Podcast
  • Vision Exercises: Specific vision tasks and exercises known to improve or maintain vision, and understanding when and how often to perform these exercises 4.
  • Eye Safety: Protecting the eyes from trauma and injury by wearing the appropriate protective gear in certain work or hobby situations is important 5.
  • Avoiding Harmful Habits: Smoking, vaping nicotine, and excessive alcohol consumption increase the risk of eye diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration. A healthy lifestyle, including exercise and proper nutrition, is important for overall eye health 6.

Regular eye exams can detect conditions like glaucoma early on, even if you're not experiencing any symptoms. Particularly after reaching the age of 40, it's recommended to have your eye pressures checked 7.

For additional strategies and insights, you may refer to specific episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, where these topics are discussed in greater detail.


Tell me more about specific eye exercises to improve vision.


Specific eye exercises that can help improve vision, as shared by on the , include:

  • Smooth Pursuit Stimulus: Spend a few minutes each day on a smooth pursuit exercise, engaging your eyes to follow a moving object smoothly across your field of vision 1.

  • Near-Far Focusing: Practice looking at an object up close and then shifting your focus to an object at arm’s length, alternating the focus to engage the accommodation mechanisms in your eyes. This can be done with simple objects like a pen and can help with eye coordination and focusing 2.

  • Relaxing Eyes With Panoramic Vision: After periods of focused work, take a break and relax your eyes by looking at distant objects, ideally at the horizon, to give the eye muscles a chance to expand and relax, supporting the health of your visual system 3.

    Train Your Vision

    Andrew Huberman shares insights on how to train your vision and improve your sight. Spending a few minutes on smooth pursuit stimulus and near-far exercises can activate accommodation mechanisms and improve pattern vision. Huberman also mentions how visual training is used in post-concussion recovery to repair balance, motor, and cognitive aspects of the brain.
    Huberman Lab
    The Science of Vision, Eye Health & Seeing Better | Huberman Lab Podcast #24
  • Use of a Snellen Chart: Consider placing a Snellen chart in your home and practice reading the smaller letters from a distance daily. This can serve as a form of visual training to maintain and enhance your eyesight 4.

  • Frequent Distance Viewing: Make sure to spend time each day looking at things from a distance to keep the lens of your eye and the surrounding muscles strong and flexible. This can be particularly relaxing and beneficial for overall eyesight 5.

  • Correcting Eye Imbalances: Covering up the dominant eye for a little while each day can help balance vision between both eyes. If you have a significant imbalance, you might need to engage in focused exercises with the weaker eye 6.

  • Eye Relaxation Rule: Aim to take breaks from close-up work every 45 minutes and engage in at least 5 minutes of magnocellular panoramic vision, which can be achieved by going outside and relaxing your gaze to the horizon 7.

Another key point discussed by guest , is the potential issue of dependence on reading glasses. While it may facilitate clear vision, it's important to monitor whether the convenience exacerbates dependency and to have regular comprehensive eye exams 8.

These exercises and habits are intended to engage different aspects of the vision system, from focusing flexibility to muscle strengthening and relaxation. It's essential to tailor your approach based on individual needs and, when necessary, to consult with professionals for personalized advice.




Eyesight involves complex physiological processes and behaviors, influenced by factors like nutrition, focus patterns, alertness states, and health of the visual system. Here are some insights about eyesight shared on the :

  • Nutrition and Eye Health: Vitamins and supplements can play a role in maintaining eye health. For example, vitamin A is integral to the visual system, and large randomized trials have studied the use of supplements for conditions like macular degeneration. One of these trials, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), found that a combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, copper, and beta-carotene could slow down the progression of moderate to severe dry macular degeneration 1.

  • Eye Position and Alertness: The position of our eyes in our environment affects our level of alertness. Looking down can induce a state of calm, while looking up can make us more alert. This is due to the relationship between certain clusters of neurons in the brainstem that control our eye movements and our state of arousal 2.

  • Human vs. Animal Vision: When comparing human vision to that of animals, humans typically have good visual acuity, with humans able to perceive about 60 lines per degree of visual angle. Animals like birds of prey have much sharper visual acuity and can perceive 120 lines per degree 3.

    Eye Health Insights

    Explore the role of nutrition and supplementation in maintaining and improving eye health. Discover the findings from rigorous studies on macular degeneration and the impact of specific supplements on its progression.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg: How to Improve Your Eye Health & Offset Vision Loss | Huberman Lab Podcast
  • Plasticity and Vision Correction: Vision correction, particularly for conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye), is more effective if intervened early in life, although some potential for correction remains into the early teen years. Research in brain plasticity, especially within the visual system, suggests the possibility of therapies to reopen critical periods of plasticity, offering new avenues for restoring vision 4.

  • Focus vs. Panoramic Awareness: The balance between focused and panoramic vision is crucial. Focused vision narrows our experience and can contribute to conditions like myopia, whereas panoramic vision, involving large swaths of the visual field, can enhance reaction times and reduce nearsightedness. Switching between these types of vision is vital for maintaining robust eye function 5.

  • The Power of Vision: Vision goes beyond perceiving shapes and colors; our eyes communicate with the brain to adjust our alertness level and relaxation. For instance, panoramic vision is commonly associated with relaxation, while a narrower focus occurs when stressed. These states affect the information delivered to our brain, modifying our overall experience 6.

Maintaining good eyesight includes a holistic approach involving proper nutrition, regular visual exercises, and being mindful of behaviors that affect our visual experience. Consulting with eye care professionals is recommended to tailor approaches for individual eye health needs.