What supplements does Andrew take


often discusses the supplements he takes to support his health. His regimen includes:

  1. Athletic Greens (AG1): An all-in-one vitamin-mineral probiotic drink he takes daily since 2012. It covers foundational nutrition, supports the immune and nervous systems, and contains adaptogens and digestive enzymes 1 2 3.

    Supplement Partnerships

    Andrew announces the partnership with Momentous Supplements and explains why they were chosen. He also thanks Athletic Greens for sponsoring the podcast and explains the benefits of taking their all-in-one vitamin-mineral probiotic drink.
    Huberman Lab
    The Science & Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Huberman Lab Podcast #78
  2. Single Ingredient Formulations: He emphasizes the importance of single ingredient supplements to tailor and adjust dosages as needed. For instance, he sometimes uses Alpha GPC for focus, adjusting the dosage based on his response 2.
  3. Probiotics: When compromised or not consuming enough fermented foods, he might take pill-form probiotics but usually relies on fermented foods and AG1 for gut health 4.

Further details on the exact brands and formulations he uses can be found on the supplement sites he recommends, such as

(http://livemomentous.com/huberman) and
(http://thorne.com/hubermanlab) 1 5.


Longevity supplements list


discusses several supplements associated with longevity. Here's a list based on his commentary:

  1. NR and NMN:

    • NR (Nicotinamide Riboside) and NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) are precursors to NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide). These supplements aim to increase NAD levels, which are believed to promote cellular energy production and potentially extend lifespan. 1.
  2. NAD Infusions:

    • NAD infusions are another method to boost NAD levels. While believed to be more effective at increasing cellular NAD, the direct impact on longevity remains debated. 2.
  3. Metformin:

    • Frequently discussed as a longevity drug, metformin is more commonly used to manage type 2 diabetes. Some data suggests it might reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other age-related conditions. However, its efficacy for extending lifespan in healthy individuals is not yet convincing. 3.

      NAD and Lifespan

      Increasing NAD levels in cells has been linked to potential lifespan extension, with various methods like supplementation and intravenous infusion being explored. Both NR and NMN are popular supplements, but there is ongoing debate about their effectiveness in boosting NAD. Personal experimentation with these supplements reveals insights into energy levels and subjective experiences, though the goal isn't solely to extend lifespan.
      Huberman Lab
      AMA #12: Thoughts on Longevity Supplements (Resveratrol, NR, NMN, Etc.) & How to Improve Memory
  4. Rapamycin:

    • Rapamycin targets mTOR (mechanistic Target of Rapamycin) and has shown potential in various studies to extend lifespan in animals. However, does not take it currently due to insufficient evidence and potential side effects 4.
  5. Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract:

    • Resveratrol is often discussed for its potential longevity benefits. takes grape seed extract, related to resveratrol, for vascular health rather than for longevity. He does not believe resveratrol significantly extends lifespan but acknowledges its overall health benefits. 5.
  6. Epitalin:

    • This peptide mimics epithalamin and has shown promise in animal studies for promoting anti-inflammatory pathways and cellular longevity. notes its potential to support anti-aging processes, though its use for life extension in humans is still speculative. 6.

While supplements can play a role, strongly emphasizes prioritizing foundational aspects of health such as quality sleep, regular exercise, proper nutrition, and healthy social connections over reliance on supplements for longevity 7. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.