Cortisol reduction
Cortisol reduction
Reducing cortisol can be achieved through several methods, as discussed on the Huberman Lab. Here are some approaches:
Supplements: Several supplements are mentioned as effective for reducing cortisol, including ashwagandha, rhodiola rosacea, phosphatidylserine (PS), and fish oil. However, it's important to be cautious with timing and dosage, particularly with ashwagandha. It should not be used chronically for longer than two weeks due to the potential for disruption of other hormone and neurotransmitter pathways 1 2.
Sunlight: Early morning sunlight exposure is recommended to help regulate cortisol levels and prevent late-day shifts in cortisol increase that could correlate with depressive disorders 3.
Lowering Cortisol
Sara and Andrew discuss the effectiveness of different supplements in lowering cortisol levels, including ashwagandha, rodiola rosacea, phosphatidal serine, and fish oil. They also touch on the importance of timing and dosage when taking these supplements.Huberman LabDr. Sara Gottfried: How to Optimize Female Hormone Health for Vitality & Longevity | Huberman Lab12345 -
Heat Therapy: Heat exposure through a sauna or hot baths can lower cortisol. A specific protocol involving 12-minute exposures to 90-degree Celsius environments followed by cool-down breaks was found to significantly reduce cortisol levels 4.
Breathing Techniques: Specific breathing methods can help reduce stress and cortisol in real time 1.
Exercise: Both the type and timing of exercise are crucial for managing cortisol. High-intensity interval training can boost testosterone, whereas endurance exercises extending beyond 75 minutes might lead to cortisol increases and subsequent reductions in testosterone. The best order to optimize testosterone levels is weight training first followed by cardio 5.
Remember to consult a healthcare provider before adding or subtracting anything from your health regimen, as individual needs and responses can vary 2.
Breathing techniques to reduce stress
Breathing techniques to reduce stress
Breathing techniques can be a powerful tool for reducing stress, as covered by Andrew Huberman in various discussions. Here are some techniques he has mentioned:
Cyclic Sighing: Performing cyclic sighing, which includes a big, deep inhale through the nose, followed by a short, second inhale and then a long exhale, for five minutes a day has been associated with significant reductions in stress. This practice was reported to lead to improvements in mood, sleep, and resting heart rate throughout the entire day 1.
Physiological Sigh: This involves one big inhale through the nose, a short second inhale to maximally inflate the lungs, and then a long exhale through the mouth until the lungs are empty. A physiological sigh is known to quickly reestablish balance in the autonomic nervous system and introduce a state of calm 2 3 4.
Breathing for Stress Reduction
Andrew Huberman discusses the benefits of cyclic sighing and physiological sighing for stress reduction. Cyclic sighing performed for five minutes a day had the most robust and pervasive effect in reducing stress, improving mood, and improving sleep. One physiological sigh is a very efficient way to immediately bring about calm and reduce overall levels of stress.Huberman LabHow to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast12345 -
Box Breathing: Another method, box breathing, involves breathing in a "box" pattern, which includes inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding for equal time periods. It is suggested that if you have a long extended exhale, it can bring about a calming response and reduce overall stress 5.
Dr. Huberman has explained that these breathing practices are effective not only for reducing stress during the practice itself but for reducing stress levels around the clock. Emphasizing the exhale is a common theme across these techniques, as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes calm and relaxation. It's important to note that while these practices are supported by scientific data, individual experiences may vary, and it's always recommended to approach new practices with mindfulness and in consultation with healthcare professionals if there are any concerns or medical conditions.