Why is spending time in nature important?


Spending time in nature is highly beneficial for both mental and physical health. explains that being outdoors in natural environments, like parks or near a stream, for 10 to 30 minutes, three to seven days per week can significantly reduce blood pressure, resting heart rate, improve sleep quality, and enhance mood 1. The experience of nature provides a complexity and a gestalt - a collective picture that cannot be easily replicated in controlled laboratory settings, due to the vast number of variables present, from sunlight and wildlife to color contrasts and sounds 1 2.

Moreover, describes how unstructured time in nature, without distractions like social media or other tasks, can serve as a meditative practice, promoting regulation of the nervous system and generating a sense of awe 3. also highlights the unique physiological benefits of being by moving bodies of water, partly due to negative ionization, although the science behind the specific variables that make nature beneficial is still emerging 4 5.

The Power of Nature

Discover the undeniable benefits of spending time in nature, from reduced blood pressure and improved sleep to enhanced mood and performance. Andrew shares personal anecdotes and scientific evidence that prove the positive impact of being outdoors.

Huberman Lab

AMA #10: Benefits of Nature & “Grounding," Hearing Loss Research & Avoiding Altitude Sickness

Sunlight exposure is another crucial aspect of spending time outside and has been shown to improve mood, focus, alertness, and support a healthy metabolism 6. It helps set the circadian rhythm, which is fundamental for good sleep and overall well-being. Lastly, discusses how spending time outdoors can even contribute to eye health, potentially reducing the probability of developing nearsightedness 7.

Overall, the act of engaging with nature is so multifaceted that its benefits extend beyond what we can quantify through science, and it significantly impacts our well-being on numerous levels.