How to improve rem sleep


Improving REM sleep is a complex subject that encapsulates emotional, hormonal, and cognitive health. Here are some key insights and recommendations provided by and guest regarding enhancing REM sleep and overall sleep quality:

  1. Consistent Sleep Schedule: A regular amount of sleep each night can be more important for learning and REM sleep than the total duration 1.

  2. Avoid Fluids Before Bed: Limiting fluid intake before bedtime can prevent middle-of-the-night disruptions, as a full bladder can cause anxiety and wakefulness 2.

  3. Relaxation Practices: Engaging in non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) or yoga nidra during the day can improve relaxation skills, aiding in better sleep quality 3.

    Sleep and Learning

    Andrew discusses the importance of having a regular amount of sleep each night for learning, rather than focusing on total sleep duration. He also mentions devices that can measure sleep quality and duration, but emphasizes that feeling rested and improved learning are the best indicators of good sleep.

    Huberman Lab

    Understanding and Using Dreams to Learn and to Forget | Huberman Lab Podcast #5
  4. Supplemental Support: Supplements like magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine may enhance the ability to fall and stay asleep. However, it's advisable to consult with a physician before starting any supplements 4.

  5. Avoid Stimulants Before Bed: Refrain from consuming caffeine or alcohol too close to bedtime to avoid disturbances in sleep patterns 4.

  6. Cool and Dark Environment: Ensure the sleep environment is cool and dark, as it's conducive to both inducing sleep and sustaining deep sleep stages 4.

  7. Avoid Checking Time at Night: Refrain from checking the time if you wake up in the middle of the night, as this can make it harder to return to sleep 3.

also highlighted intriguing findings that suggest a strong linear relationship between the amount of REM sleep and longevity, indicating the critical nature of this sleep stage 5.

It's important to do these activities mindfully and consistently for the best results. Always consult a healthcare provider when making significant changes to your health routines, including the use of supplements.