I have a mostly sedentary life style. I went for a run and it was slightly cold outside, and now my throat is feeling dry and slightly sore. How can I avoid getting sick if I want to keep running


To avoid getting sick after running in cold weather, here are some strategies from the Huberman Lab:

  1. Warm Up After Exposure: If you're feeling slightly under the weather after cold exposure, such as a run in cold weather, it's important to warm up well afterward. Consider drinking hot tea or another warm fluid to rehydrate and soothe the throat 1.

  2. Nasal Breathing: Try to breathe through your nose while running, as it can help prevent infections by reducing the entry of pathogens through the mouth. If you notice your air passages drying out during or after exercise, rehydrate those nasal and oral passages by taking a hot shower, steam, or using a humidifier to reduce susceptibility to colds 2.

  3. Monitor Your Health: Be mindful of how you feel. If you’re feeling not well, take a restful approach instead of pushing yourself, as this can help your body's resources to be devoted to getting over an infection rather than compounding stress with intense exercise 3.

    Cold Exposure Insights

    Andrew shares key takeaways on how to approach cold exposure based on how you're feeling, including the importance of warming up afterwards and avoiding stress when feeling rundown. He also discusses the benefits of nasal breathing for overall health and preventing infections.

    Huberman Lab

    AMA #7: Cold Exposure, Maximizing REM Sleep & My Next Scientific Studies
  4. Listen to Your Body: When experiencing a tickle in the throat or feeling slightly unwell, you may choose to modify your workout to be less intense or appreciate that sometimes skipping exercise to rest can be beneficial in the long run 4.

  5. Sauna Use: Regular sauna use can help increase the activity of the immune system, which might prevent colds and flus. However, if you're already feeling ill, it's best to avoid introducing additional stress to your body by exercising or excessively heating up in a sauna 5.

Remember to always listen to your body and take care of yourself especially during the times you are feeling below your usual health. If you feel run down or show symptoms, resting and giving your body a chance to recover is crucial 6.

For further information on good practices to stay healthy and support your immune system during runs in cold weather, refer to an upcoming episode dedicated to colds and flus as mentioned in one of the clips 2.


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is a Professor and Scientist specializing in human performance. He holds a PhD and is a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton. His work largely revolves around studying and understanding the mechanisms that drive human performance, and he is known for his appearance on various podcasts, including the , amongst others. His background and contributions to the field of exercise science make him a respected figure in understanding how to optimize physical training and athletic performance.