How can I improve brain fog?


To improve brain fog, suggests deliberate cold exposure can be useful. It triggers a physiological decrease in the metabolism of the frontal cortex while increasing the metabolism of brain areas associated with stress and panic. During cold exposure, mental exercises can help maintain clarity of mind and train your brain to stay engaged amid high-stress levels. Cognitive tasks like math problems or structured thinking may help you maintain cognitive functions while your body responds to the stress induced by the cold 1.

Additionally, supporting the healthy production of neurotransmitters like dopamine is important. Dietary L-tyrosine supports dopamine production, which can elevate mood and alertness. However, overuse or supplementation of L-tyrosine is cautioned against, as it can lead to a "crash" and disruptive effects on dopamine pathways. Thus, while foods or supplements rich in L-tyrosine can increase dopamine levels and combat brain fog, moderation and awareness of potential side effects are crucial. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplements 2.

Cold Exposure Mental State

Andrew explains the two mental states one can have during cold exposure: calming oneself or leaning into the challenge. He recommends engaging in cognitive exercises to maintain clarity of mind and teach the brain to stay engaged during high levels of stress.
Huberman Lab
Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #66

What foods can I include in my diet to help with brain fog?


Including certain foods in your diet can help alleviate brain fog by influencing various bodily functions and neurotransmitter levels. Here are some foods and dietary recommendations based on the knowledge from :

  1. Fermented Foods: Incorporating fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles can support a healthy gut microbiome. A balanced microbiome is associated with improved mood and cognitive function. However, consuming these in moderation is crucial as excessive probiotic intake could potentially lead to brain fog 1 2.

  2. Tryptophan-Rich Foods: Foods high in the amino acid tryptophan can boost serotonin levels, potentially enhancing mood and well-being. These include turkey, milk, oats, cheese, nuts, seeds, bread, and certain fruits like bananas and apples 3.

    Gut Microbiome Surprises

    Andrew Huberman discusses the surprising effects of supporting a healthy gut microbiome, including improved mood and immune system function. He emphasizes that more is not always better when it comes to probiotics and suggests getting them from fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi. He also clears up misconceptions about damaging the gut microbiome.
    Huberman Lab
    How Foods and Nutrients Control Our Moods | Huberman Lab Podcast #11
  3. Amino Acids: Eating foods rich in amino acids can lead to an increase in metabolism and body temperature, affecting alertness and the circadian rhythm. Amino acid-rich foods like meats and other high-protein items are beneficial 4.

  4. Low to Moderate Carbohydrate Intake: When aiming for alertness, consider a diet lower in carbohydrates for lunch since high-carb intake can trigger serotonin release, leading to sleepiness. Instead, focus on lean proteins, healthy fats, and low-carbohydrate vegetables 5.

By incorporating these foods and dietary practices, you can help manage brain fog. Remember to maintain a balanced diet, as individual responses to certain foods can vary, and always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet 2.


I take adderall, what are the negative side effects I should be aware of?


The has discussed various negative side effects of taking Adderall, some of which include:

  1. Psychosis: Particularly with high doses or misuse, stimulants like Adderall can lead to severe outcomes like psychosis. This can manifest in paranoia and hallucinations. People with a predisposition to psychosis or those with familial history of psychotic episodes are at greater risk 1.

  2. Judgment Impairment & Anxiety: Taking stimulants inappropriately can lead to impaired judgment, heightened levels of anxiety, and more impulsivity in decision-making 2.

  3. Addiction: While appropriate use under a psychiatrist's supervision is protective against addiction, there's a high level of risk when stimulants like Adderall are used recreationally or off-prescription. Recreational use can cause abuse and addiction due to the significant increases in dopamine 3.

    ADHD Medication Risks

    Andrew discusses the risks and benefits of ADHD medication, including the reduced risk of addiction when taken appropriately. He also explores the potential withdrawal symptoms and the possibility of inducing psychosis.
    Huberman Lab
    Adderall, Stimulants & Modafinil for ADHD: Short- & Long-Term Effects | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Cardiovascular Risk: Use of stimulants increases sympathetic nervous system activity, which in turn increases blood pressure and heart rate, posing potential cardiovascular risks 4.

  5. Sexual Side Effects: As vasoconstrictors, amphetamines can cause sexual side effects, such as difficulty achieving erection for men despite an increased libido 4.

  6. Sleep Disruption: Adderall can have effects on sleep, potentially making it harder to fall and stay asleep due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system 5 6.

It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider about potential side effects and manage the risks associated with prescription stimulants like Adderall. These drugs should be taken only as directed by a medical professional.


How can I manage the side effects of Adderall?


Managing the side effects of Adderall involves understanding and navigating the impact it has on various functions of the body. Here are some strategies mentioned by on the that could potentially help mitigate some of the side effects:

  1. Timing of Medication: Be mindful of when you take Adderall. Short-acting stimulants like Ritalin wear off more quickly and can be conducive to better sleep at night, while long-acting stimulants like Vyvanse can inhibit sleep. Adderall's intermediate duration may be advantageous for some, allowing them to take it early in the day and still sleep at night 1.

  2. Dosage Sensitivity: Varying sensitivities to Adderall mean that the dosage and timing of intake will differ between individuals. Consult with a medical professional to find the dose that works for you while minimizing side effects like sleep disruption 1.

  3. Monitoring Stress Levels: Since ADHD medications can mimic stress in the body by raising cortisol levels, it's important to ensure that any increase in sympathetic nervous system activity is kept within appropriate ranges. Managing stress outside of medication can contribute to overall health and mitigate heightened stress responses 2.

  4. Cardiovascular Health: Pay attention to cardiovascular health, as stimulant use increases blood pressure and heart rate. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers can help to monitor any potential risks linked to long-term use of the medication 2.

  5. Overall Health and Growth: Ensure that proper dosages are maintained to prevent any potential impact on growth and development, especially in children and adolescents 2.

It's critical to discuss any side effects you're experiencing with your healthcare provider, who can help tailor your treatment plan and may advise on additional strategies to manage these side effects. Always follow the guidance of a healthcare professional when using prescription medication.

ADHD Drug Timing

Andrew explains the importance of timing and schedules when taking ADHD drugs. Short-acting drugs like Ritalin can be attractive because they allow for better sleep at night. Long-acting drugs like Vyvanse can inhibit sleep. Adderall may be the best solution for some people, but vastly different sensitivities to these drugs lead to different requirements of dosage and timing of intake.
Huberman Lab
Adderall, Stimulants & Modafinil for ADHD: Short- & Long-Term Effects | Huberman Lab Podcast

How can I test my hormone levels?


To test hormone levels, there are several methods and protocols you may consider, with the guidance of a healthcare provider. Below are the recommendations and insights shared by and other experts:

  1. Establishing Baseline Levels: It is advisable to establish baseline hormone levels in your late teens, after puberty, if possible, and then again in your mid-20s. This helps to compare changes over time. For adults, tracking hormone levels once every 3-5 years starting at about age 18 is ideal, increasing to once a year after age 40 1.

  2. Blood Testing: Many experts, including Dr. Sara Gottfried, recommend blood tests to measure hormones because it's often the most accessible and covered by insurance. Female hormone testing should ideally be done at specific times in the menstrual cycle – for instance, around day 21 for a standard cycle 2.

  3. Saliva and Urine Testing: Saliva can be used for cortisol testing whereas dried urine tests can provide insights into hormone metabolites. These tests can offer a broader perspective of hormonal health 2.

  4. Specialized Companies: Companies like InsideTracker provide endocrine profiling services and may offer convenient options such as home visits by a phlebotomist to collect samples 3.

    Hormone Monitoring Protocol

    Andrew discusses the recommended protocol for monitoring hormone levels, emphasizing the importance of establishing baselines in different age groups and the significance of interpreting hormone ratios for overall health assessment.
    Huberman Lab
    AMA #16: Sleep, Vertigo, TBI, OCD, Tips for Travelers, Gut-Brain Axis & More
  5. Comprehensive Panels: When testing, it's important to include a comprehensive panel of hormones such as IGF-1, estrogen, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, cortisol, and more, always considering the timing of the tests, especially in relation to women's menstrual cycles 3.

Experts also note that while testing is a crucial step, properly interpreting your hormone levels is also essential, as levels can vary based on a range of factors including time of day, food intake, and overall health. If you are considering getting your hormones tested, always consult a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.


What is the best way to practice a learning mindset?


Practicing a learning mindset involves focusing on your efforts, analyzing errors, and understanding the challenges related to performance. Here's how you can cultivate a growth mindset and a learning-oriented approach:

  1. Focus on Effort: Recognize that your effort and the process are more important than the outcome. Analyzing errors and understanding what led to them is crucial for developing a growth mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn 1.

  2. Reframe Strain and Stress: Understand that the strain and stress you experience while learning are a part of the growth process. Learning to experience challenges and setbacks as integral to learning can help you embrace discomfort as a learning opportunity 2.

  3. Seek Help and Perspective: High performers often seek help in understanding why they didn't perform as well as expected. They analyze their errors with the help of others and gain additional perspectives on both failures and successes 3.

    Building Growth Mindset

    Andrew discusses the importance of focusing on effort and analyzing errors as the cornerstone of building a growth mindset. He explores the cognitive and emotional aspects of this process and shares insights on how to rescue performance and enhance attention.
    Huberman Lab
    How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Scaffolding: Utilize scaffolding techniques where you receive the support needed to solve a problem initially, and then gradually remove that support to learn to do it on your own. This helps in actualizing growth mindset beliefs 4.

  5. Job Redesign: In a professional context, learning growth mindset can be coupled with the concept that your job is a set of flexible building blocks. Redesigning your role to align with your strengths can make growth mindset more impactful 4.

  6. Mindset Synergy: Combine growth mindset with stress-enhancement mindset. Stress can mobilize resources and focus, allowing you to carefully analyze and learn from experiences. Adoption of these mindsets by both instructors and learners is beneficial 5.

  7. Dual Mindsets: Realize that personal ability and the job or role should both be seen as malleable. Growth mindset needs to be supported by the belief that environmental conditions and roles can also change and grow 4.

By integrating these concepts and realizing that developing a growth and learning mindset is a deliberate and ongoing process, you can enhance your performance and foster continuous learning.


Could you provide me with more specific strategies for developing a learning mindset?

I apologize, but it seems there are no direct clips from the available at the moment that discuss explicit strategies for developing a learning mindset. However, I can provide general concepts based on previous responses and the themes discussed by on the podcast.

To develop a learning mindset, consider the following strategies:

  1. Embrace Challenges: View difficult tasks as opportunities to grow rather than obstacles.
  2. Persist in the Face of Setbacks: Understand that progress often comes with struggles and setbacks, and continue to work toward your goals despite difficulties.
  3. See Effort as a Path to Mastery: Acknowledge that effort leads to improvement and is necessary for mastering new skills.
  4. Learn from Criticism: Instead of taking criticism personally, use it as feedback to learn and improve.
  5. Find Lessons in the Success of Others: When others succeed, consider what lessons you can learn from their success rather than feeling threatened.

While these strategies may align with the principles discussed in the , they are not direct citations from the podcast. I recommend listening to episodes that cover growth mindset, skill acquisition, and learning for more detailed advice and insights from and his guests.


What are benefits and best practices for multi day fasting?


Multi-day fasting can have various benefits and best practices according to and as discussed on the . Here are some key takeaways:

Benefits of Multi-Day Fasting:

  • Extended fasts in nature can lead to a kind of meditative state, providing benefits such as system regulation, activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, and allowing for concentration and posture correction. This can be done in conjunction with spending time in silence and disallowing activities like note-taking, reading, and writing to experience the full benefits. 1
  • Tim Ferriss mentions "persistent benefits" from this practice, implying long-lasting positive effects.

Best Practices for Intermittent Fasting:

  • Skipping a meal a day can be a starting point for intermittent fasting. It's less about what you eat and more about when you eat, emphasizing the importance of meal timing.
  • Pairing the skipped meal with your sleep period, either by skipping breakfast or dinner, can help extend the fasting window.
  • During the adjustment period, staying hydrated and satisfying the urge to chew something (without actually eating) can help manage hunger. 2

Personal Experience and Recommendations:

  • Both Sinclair and Ferriss share their personal experiences. Sinclair typically skips breakfast and fills up on liquids throughout the day, while Ferriss has done extended water-only fasts in nature for up to seven days.
  • The adjustment period can be challenging, often taking two to three weeks to adapt to the new eating pattern. 2
  • Finding an environment conducive to fasting and meditation, such as quiet spots in nature, can enhance the experience. 1

Remember, while these insights come from individuals knowledgeable about fasting and its effects, it's important to consult with healthcare professionals before beginning any fasting regimen, especially for multi-day practices, as they can advise on safety and individual suitability based on health status and goals.

Nature's Therapeutic Benefits

Tim shares his experiences with extended periods of silence and solitude in nature, emphasizing the therapeutic effects of disconnecting from distractions. He discusses the importance of creating space for awe, suggesting that genuine transcendent experiences require more than just quick moments of stimulation. Both Tim and Andrew highlight the significance of prioritizing time in nature as a means to rejuvenate the mind and spirit.
Huberman Lab
Tim Ferriss: How to Learn Better & Create Your Best Future | Huberman Lab Podcast

I'd like to hear expert tips on multi-day fasting


Expert tips on multi-day fasting are discussed across different episodes of the podcast. Below are some key points and best practices as presented by the experts on the topic:

  • It's beneficial to skip a meal a day, with the skipped meal tacked to the sleep cycle as it helps extend the fasting window. This could mean skipping breakfast or dinner 1.
  • Staying hydrated throughout the day is important when you are fasting. In the beginning, one can feel hungry and have habits of wanting to chew something, but this usually subsides after the first two to three weeks 1.
  • Having a consistent eating schedule or feeding window is also crucial. This consistency helps anchor your sleep schedule, which in turn impacts other aspects of your biology, such as your light viewing schedule 2.
  • The discussion suggests that fasting can allow individuals to tap into the energy resources provided by neurochemicals like adrenaline and dopamine, which may have played a significant role in human evolution 2.

Remember that multi-day fasting can have significant effects on your body, and it is recommended to proceed with caution and consider consulting with a healthcare professional before starting such a regimen.

Timing of Eating

Skipping a meal daily can significantly impact longevity, as highlighted by findings from mouse studies. Fasting at the beginning or end of the day aligns better with our natural sleep cycles, making it easier to adopt. David shares his personal routine of skipping breakfast and emphasizes that the first few weeks may be challenging, but the benefits of stable energy levels are worth it.
Huberman Lab
Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging | Huberman Lab Podcast #52

What are the effects of multi-day fasting on the body?


Multi-day fasting can have several physiological effects on the body. Notable effects from the discussions in the podcast include:

  • Fasting can lead to increased alertness and a sense of mental clarity and energy. For athletes, it may enhance performance due to heightened alertness and possibly explosive movements 1.
  • Intermittent fasting, even if not multi-day, aligns eating schedules with the sleep cycle, contributing to various metabolic similarities with longer fasts 2.
  • Multi-day fasting might engage deeper levels of the body's natural cleansing processes, like autophagy—particularly after two or three days, which helps to get rid of old and misfolded proteins and has been associated with longevity benefits 3.

    Performance and Fasting

    Andrew and Lex discuss the effects of fasting on athletic performance and alertness. They explore the benefits of low-carb diets and fasting on explosiveness and clarity of mind. Andrew shares anecdotes of people who experienced remarkable clarity and energy during long fasts.
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    Andrew Huberman: Sleep, Dreams, Creativity, Fasting, and Neuroplasticity | Lex Fridman Podcast #164
  • Fasting increases growth hormone levels by binding ghrelin to growth hormone-releasing hormone receptors, boosting metabolism, fat burning, and tissue repair 4.
  • The schedule of intermittent fasting, which can be seen as a form of short-term fast relative to multi-day fasting, impacts various aspects of health and wellbeing, both physical and mental, such as weight loss, fat and muscle maintenance, organ health, genome and epigenome regulation, inflammation, sickness recovery, cognitive function, mood, and potentially lifespan 5.

While multi-day fasting is not the primary discussion in these clips, intermittent fasting and the physiological responses to short periods of not eating can present some parallels to the effects you might expect from multi-day fasting. However, the intensity and specific benefits or risks might differ, and it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in extended periods of fasting.


Is creatine or collagen disrupting to fasting?

It appears there are no specific discussions in the data that directly address whether the consumption of creatine or collagen disrupts fasting.

In general, the principle behind fasting is to abstain from caloric intake for a certain period, as consuming calories would end the metabolic state of fasting. Since both creatine and collagen typically contain calories, they could technically break a fast if consumed. However, whether they disrupt the benefits of fasting is subject to the goals of the fasting regimen and the amounts consumed. Some forms of intermittent fasting allow for small amounts of calories as long as they do not disrupt the overall goals of the fast.

For detailed guidance regarding fasting and the use of supplements like creatine or collagen, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or a nutrition specialist.


What are the benefits of fasting?


The has discussed several benefits of fasting across its episodes. Here are some of the highlighted benefits:

  1. Enhances Autophagy: Fasting can enhance the natural process called autophagy, which is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells to regenerate newer, healthier ones. This process occurs mainly during sleep but can be further triggered by fasting 1.

  2. Mental Health Benefits: Fasting has been linked to potential positive impacts on brain health, with some literature suggesting it can help treat resistant depression and other mental conditions. The relationship between gut health, brain health, and fasting is an area of ongoing study 2 3.

    Fasting Benefits

    Andrew explains how fasting triggers autophagy and how it benefits the body. He suggests that extending the fasting period by skipping breakfast and eating later in the day can take advantage of the deep fast during sleep.
    Huberman Lab
    Effects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #41
  3. Prevention of Aging: Intermittent fasting and reduced calorie intake have been shown to prevent aging in various animal species, with studies hinting at similar effects in humans through practices such as the five-two diet or periodic fasting 4.

  4. Weight Maintenance: Intermittent fasting regimens, which involve intentionally reducing calories for one or more days in a week or month, have been associated with weight maintenance and reversing signs of aging 5.

  5. Cellular Growth and Repair: Fasting can help manage cellular growth and repair in the body. When fasting, the body is in a state that promotes cellular repair and clearance, whereas the fed state is associated with cell growth 6.

  6. Improved Insulin Management: There is evidence that fasting can improve insulin sensitivity and other aspects of metabolic health, particularly in individuals with prediabetes 5.

  7. Psychological Aspects: Engaging in fasting practices could have psychological benefits, such as increasing the rewarding properties of deprivation and potentially leading to a clearer state of mind for some individuals 7.

It's crucial to note that while benefits of fasting have been reported, the effects can vary between individuals, and fasting practices should be approached with caution, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions. Consulting with a healthcare provider before beginning any fasting regimen is advised.


Do ketones disrupt fasting?


According to , supplementing with ketones, like the product Ketone IQ, can increase blood ketone levels. This can help maintain elevated levels of focus during mental and physical work, even while fasted. Dr. Huberman mentions that he uses Ketone IQ to do physical training or mental work while fasted, finding that supplementing with ketones enhances his focus compared to being fasted alone 1.

It is not explicitly mentioned that ketones disrupt fasting; instead, it appears that supplementing with exogenous ketones can be used strategically alongside fasting to maintain focus and energy without breaking the fasted state. However, it is important to note that the context of the discussion seems to relate more to the use of exogenous ketones as a supplement rather than their effects on fasting as a metabolic state.

Optimize Sleep

Andrew explains how controlling the temperature of your sleeping environment, including your mattress, can help optimize your sleep. He shares his personal experience with using Eight Sleep mattress covers to regulate his body temperature throughout the night, resulting in deeper sleep and more rapid eye movement.
Huberman Lab
Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging | Huberman Lab Podcast

What are the effects of sugar alcohol on the body?


The has not provided specific insights on the effects of sugar alcohols on the body. The retrieved clips focus on the metabolism of other substances such as ethanol (alcohol) and fructose, discussing their various effects and the metabolic costs associated with consuming them. For instance, talks about how ethanol is metabolized into acetaldehyde, then to acetate, with acetaldehyde being particularly toxic and damaging to cells, including those in the liver 1. He also brings attention to sugar as a better fuel source than alcohol 1.

Additionally, fructose's inhibition of certain enzymatic pathways and its link to obesity and mitochondrial dysfunction are discussed by both Dr. Huberman and 2.

For sugar alcohols, which are a type of carbohydrate and have a chemical structure similar to sugar and alcohol, it's important to note that they can vary in their digestive and metabolic effects. Generally, sugar alcohols may have lower caloric value than sugar and do not affect blood glucose levels as dramatically, making them an option for diabetic-friendly sweeteners. However, excessive consumption can lead to digestive discomfort, as some sugar alcohols are not fully absorbed by the digestive system and may cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It's essential to consult reliable sources or health professionals for information specifically about sugar alcohols.

Alcohol's Toxic Journey

Acetaldehyde is a potent poison that damages cells indiscriminately, and the body works to convert it into acetate, a usable fuel. However, this conversion is metabolically costly and results in what are considered empty calories, lacking any real nutritional value. While some of the alcohol can be used for immediate energy, it cannot be stored beneficially, making it a less effective fuel source compared to sugar.
Huberman Lab
What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #86

Do you have any information on Xylitol?


has shared information on the potential benefits of xylitol. Xylitol, a low-calorie sweetener, is unique in its interaction with the oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which commonly contributes to cavity formation. When this bacterium consumes xylitol, it cannot produce the acid that typically demineralizes teeth. Furthermore, xylitol consumption actually kills Streptococcus mutans. This creates a dual benefit: prevention of demineralization and inhibition of bacterium growth on teeth, reducing the risk of cavity formation 1.

As well as these dental benefits, xylitol may offer other advantages such as reducing inflammation in oral tissues and potentially supporting the oral and gut microbiomes, although the evidence for these effects beyond oral health is less substantiated 2. also notes the importance of moderate use of xylitol. Overconsumption can lead to side effects, which are not detailed but can generally include digestive issues, as is common with sugar alcohols. As with all substances, proper dosage is crucial, and starting with one or two xylitol mints or pieces of gum after a meal is advisable, rather than consuming large amounts at once 2.

There's also a positive benefit of increasing saliva production when xylitol gum is chewed, particularly after meals. Saliva helps to support oral health by assisting in the remineralization of teeth 2.

Xylitol Benefits

Andrew explains how xylitol can prevent cavity formation by inhibiting streptococcus mutans from releasing acid and proliferating in the mouth. Using xylitol gums or mints post-meals can significantly improve oral health by reducing inflammation and creating an unfavorable environment for cavity-causing bacteria.
Huberman Lab
How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

Are there any side effects associated with Xylitol?


has explained that when consumed in mint or gum form, he is not aware of any specific side effects associated with xylitol provided that it is not consumed in excess. He advises against going from consuming no xylitol to consuming a high amount suddenly, such as 50 mints a day or even ten a day. A moderate approach, for example, starting with just one or two xylitol mints or pieces of gum after a meal, is more sensible. Overconsumption of xylitol can lead to side effects, although he does not detail them in this clip, it is commonly known that excessive intake of sugar alcohols, such as xylitol, can result in digestive issues for some people, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea 1.

Xylitol Benefits

Andrew discusses the potential benefits of xylitol, including its impact on the oral microbiome and cavity prevention. He emphasizes the importance of moderate xylitol consumption and its role in promoting saliva production for oral health.
Huberman Lab
How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health