How can intermittent fasting affect health?


Intermittent fasting can have numerous health benefits, including:

  • Enhancements in the gut microbiome, especially for treating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and forms of colitis. Time-restricted feeding helps people with these conditions by impacting clock genes and the mucosal lining of the gut, favoring a healthier microbiota 1.
  • Intermittent fasting impacts various aspects of health and wellbeing, both physical and mental, such as weight loss (especially fat loss), muscle maintenance, organ health (including gut and liver health), the genome and epigenome, inflammation, sickness recovery, exercise, cognition, mood, and potentially lifespan 2.
  • It's important to avoid creating a feeding window that's too short. For menstruating women, there must be sufficient leptin signaling to the brain to maintain ovulation. Men should be cautious since fasting or extreme exercise combined with fasting can reduce testosterone, sperm counts, and fertility 3.

    Intermittent Fasting Benefits

    Andrew explains how intermittent fasting can improve gut health by promoting healthy gut microbiota and reducing the amount of lactobacillus present in the gut. Time-restricted feeding can assist people with irritable bowel syndrome and other forms of colitis by impacting the expression of clock genes and having a direct effect on the mucosal lining.
    Huberman Lab
    Effects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #41
  • Linked to the increase of brown fat stores, which are important for thermogenesis and lean body mass, intermittent fasting helps improve liver health and potentially reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 4.
  • An ideal intermittent fasting schedule would involve not eating at least 60 minutes after waking up and abstaining from food intake 2-3 hours before bedtime, with an eight-hour feeding window appearing to be optimal 5.
  • It has shown positive effects on liver disease, metabolic markers, and reduction in body fat when meals are confined to a specific timeframe, mostly correlating with daylight hours 6.
  • Time-restricted feeding is used by some for weight management or physical performance enhancement, and certain glucose disposal agents or behaviors can play a role in this 7.
  • Overall calorie intake still determines weight loss, maintenance, or gain; hence, the decision to employ intermittent fasting might be based more on ease of adherence and preference for eating patterns than inherent metabolic advantages 8.

It is essential to note that the effects of intermittent fasting are largely individual, and it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider before making significant changes to one's eating patterns.


Can you provide insights from experts on intermittent fasting?


Experts on the provide varied perspectives and data on intermittent fasting. Below are some insights from those experts:

  • Biologist suggests that in an animal study, the longevity benefits were observed in groups that ate within a particular window of time, regardless of what the diet consisted of. He believes it is not as crucial what you eat as when you eat during the day. Sinclair personally practices skipping breakfast and stays hydrated throughout the day to manage hunger 1.

  • Host has discussed the benefits of time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting, such as improved liver enzymes and insulin sensitivity how it can lead to weight loss. Huberman points out that while the timing of meals can offer benefits, the total caloric intake remains the key factor in whether one maintains, gains, or loses weight. He suggests that many find it easier to not eat than to limit portion sizes, which may be why some prefer intermittent fasting 2.

  • Huberman also touches on the potential mental clarity some people experience while fasting, despite neurons typically thriving on glucose. The benefits, in this case, may vary between individuals 3.

    Timing of Eating

    Skipping a meal daily can significantly impact longevity, as highlighted by findings from mouse studies. Fasting at the beginning or end of the day aligns better with our natural sleep cycles, making it easier to adopt. David shares his personal routine of skipping breakfast and emphasizes that the first few weeks may be challenging, but the benefits of stable energy levels are worth it.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging | Huberman Lab Podcast #52
  • It's important to consider the timing of intermittent fasting in relation to sleep cycles. Huberman recommends not eating at least 60 minutes after waking and avoiding food intake 2-3 hours before bedtime. An eight-hour feeding window appears to be optimal, and sleep-related fasting is important due to cellular repair processes that occur during this time 4.

  • Regarding fertility, Huberman clarifies that for females with regular menstrual cycles who are engaging in intermittent fasting, it's likely that their fertility is not being disrupted. However, during pregnancy, nutritional needs change and should be discussed with a healthcare provider 5.

These insights emphasize the importance of timing and consistency in eating patterns, along with the need to consider individual lifestyles and health goals when applying intermittent fasting.